Michael Lies

Michael Lies, Project EHS Manager / Turner Construction

Years as an ASSP member: 3 Years
Years in the safety industry: 10 Years

3 Key responsibilities of your job

  • Pre-project safety start up reviews
  • Project safety management
  • Project safety leadership (coaching, auditing, inspecting)

What or Who inspires you

There are two things that have kept me inspired throughout my career.

  1. The joy of seeing the lightbulb “ah-ha” response from others when you help them understand a complex subject or concept.
  2. The feeling of success when you solve a complex problem with a lean solution that makes the workplace safer.

Most Meaningful Professional Achievement

Participating in the ASSP Mentor Program to give back to the profession.

Future Career Goal or Aspiration

Pursue another safety certification or risk management certification

Go-to Comfort Food


Hobbies/Enjoy Doing Outside of Work


Recommended TV Series to Watch or Book to Read

Book – A Complaint Is A Gift

Grew up in (city, state)

LaGrange, IL

College Attended / Degree Major

Illinois State University